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Bank Accounts

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Up to USD20,000 this tax year

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We’re changing the way bank is structured in the EU.

Book an appointment

You can now book an appointment online. Existing customers may prefer to log on to Online Banking to make booking even simpler.


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Security centre

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Activate your card

There are several ways to easily activate your card. Choose the option that's best for you.

Helpful guides

A range of guides and articles from understanding APRs to saving tips.

Secure Key

Handy demos to help you activate, reset and use your Secure Key

Voice ID

Make your voice your password for telephone banking.

Card Support

Activation, lost or stolen, and general card support


Payment Protection Insurance claim deadlines

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There are no limitations to the amount you can borrow as far as you have an asset that is equal or more than your requested amount.

You can continue making your payments as usual. If you have an automatic debit, keep your money available, and Credage Global Bank will continue making the automatic debit for your loan.

Once the evaluation process is complete, you will be receiving a statement by email, regular mail, or text message with the applicable terms and conditions. In case the moratorium requires additional evaluation, we will communicate with you to request the necessary documentation to evaluate it.

If you receive such communication, it means that your request was referred to the Bankruptcy Area for validation and responses. If approved, you will be receiving a notification by email or regular mail with the applicable terms and conditions.

They will be rescheduled into additional monthly payments after the original loan maturity or at the end of any further moratorium previously granted to you. Also, this moratorium will not extend to any optional insurance coverage financed through or in connection with your loan, so you will be responsible for extending the insurance coverage when necessary.

We help our clients make significant and realize their most important goals.


Western Union

Checking & Savings Accounts, Online & Mobile Banking, Debit Cards, and more. Our products and services are designed to fit your lifestyle.

Security Center

Stay alert and up-to-date so you can stay protected!

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